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Colour Connects

Just think of a world without colour, unimaginable! Think of the blessing we have in the seasons, the colours, the beauty and variety, how it makes us feel. Colour is a vital to our lives, it is a form of communication that pulls at the heart strings, that is the magical part! Put simply, colours are powerful in helping us or our customers decide whether to engage with or feel about brands or products.

Colour can also impact our well-being, which is now one of the most important themes in our consciousness today and is shaping how we live and the environments, products and brands we create.

Have you got a creative project waiting to be hatched or just not confident with colour? This is when you call on in my skills, and over 2 decades of experience working with world leading companies in trends, design and retail, I help unearth your unique colour codes and creative vision, working with you 1 to 1, to bring it to life, helping you attract aligned customers and enhancing your vision and wellbeing.

Colour is one of the vital ingredients in the Capture the Seasons online course, the summer collection is available now to buy online, investment of £144, this is 5 days for you to reconnect with your creativity, find inspiration, for your life, work, business and to elevate your wellbeing

Faded Summer florals colour palette, including in day 4 -Festival of Colour in Capture the Seasons - Summer online course. Learn how to find inspiration from nature which will help you to create your own unique colour stories.

Or join me in my private Take Time to Dream space in Facebook for more inspiration.

What colours are catching your eye today?

Astrid x


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