Intuition- tap into your personal power
How do we tap into the power of Intuition? Do the opposite of what we normally do. Follow these 3 steps Step 1 Doing and filling all your...

Transformation, from stuck to creating the dream.
Do you dream of a fairy tale life? Are you disappointed when things aren’t perfect? What is perfect? The original fairy tales give us...

Capture the Seasons- New Online Course by Astrid Blake
This January ritual of looking forward and backward is fitting for the first day of a month named after Janus, the Roman god of...

My experience of learning Meditation - ‘Letting Go’
Our internal world is very much key to our wellbeing, just because some parts of us are not visible, this does not make them any less...

Human Phase Shift- simplified thoughts on a deep subject!
Lock down has had some upsides, although I am not able to visit my brother and his family who live in Holland we have been in touch via...